

JIULUO belt machine in BELT Trading Fair

PVC/TPU conveyor belts/cleat/side wall/profile welding

  We attended Belt trading fair on May 31st ~ June 3nd.

   Conveyor belts, know as lightweight belt, applicable fot the fabric coated with material like PVC, PU, PE, TPEE, Silicone and Rubber, applicable in various kinds of industries: tobacco, food, logistics, post, airport machinery, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, electronics, rinting and sports entertainment.

            欧美人与动牲一区二区三区,欧美黄色大片一区二区三区,本道91久久久综合无码,精品人妻无码在线小视频,精品久久久久久久久久大结局,120秒免费视频久久,国内精品自线在拍2019不卡 日韩中文乱码人妻出轨 97久久久亚洲综合久久 日韩精品中文字幕无码无卡 国产在线看片免费观看 久久免费精品十八