

What is HF welding/High Frequency welding?

High frequency (HF) welding, also know asRadio frequency (RF) welding, include PVC/TPU conveyor belts/cleat/sidewall/profile welding, PVC fabric welding, Blister cardboard packing machine, HFwelding machine, HF bellow welding machine etc.

HF welding is the joining of material bysupplying HF energy in the form of an electromagnetic field (27.12MHZ) andpressure to the material surfaces to be joined. A generator produces the energy.The tool used to supply the energy is called an electrode (mould). Theelectrical energy causes the molecules within the material to start moving,which generates heat that causes the material to soften and thereby fusetogether. No outside heat is applied. It is instead generated within thematerial. After cooling the welded surface under maintained pressure, thematerial is fused and a weld has been created. The weld seam can be at least asstrong as the surrounding material – or even stronger.

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